MDT - Standard Version
Size: 540 MB
Update Date:2017-11-15
Required application:ZWCAD+2014 Pro, ZWCAD+2012 Pro, ZWCAD 2017 Pro, ZWCAD 2018 Pro
The Standard version is suitable for all kinds of surveying, terrain profile and volume calculation projects. Its main users include the public administration, construction companies, engineering firms, architects, town planners, companies dedicated to earthworks, quarries, mining firms, environmental companies etc., as well as independent professionals.
Surveying Points
The program begins with the coordinates, which are obtained from any total station or GPS, by converting files from data collectors or from other application through a powerful format manager. It has a CAD-independent point viewer, with viewer controls, 3D orbit etc.
Points are intelligent CAD objects. That is the reason why they can be deleted, moved, changed to another layer, and so on, by using conventional commands or blocks with attributes, thereby facilitating its compatibility with other CAD applications or systems. Additionally, any kind of editing operation can be executed, such as: interpolating, changing heights, sorting by levels, filtering, assigning codes, labeling coordinates, grouping points, changing their visibility, and so on Coordinates can be changed by using an editor, which is similar to an electronic sheet. Selection can be made by number, level, height, group, code or graphically. Each point can be associated to a document, drawing or photograph via a hyperlink. Points can have alphanumeric names and it is possible to display points with different shapes and colors within the same drawing.
New points can also be obtained from CAD objects drawn by other programs (points, circles, crosses, blocks with or without attributes etc.), with the option to detect the entity type via graphic designation. The program then automatically draws the planimetry and break lines using its codes database, in which layers, colors, types of lines, thickness and point code ranges can be defined.
It is possible to assign each code to different blocks for top view, front view and 3D rendering in order to create a realistic view.
Break lines can be graphically defined through point sequences, codes or by importing files. Tools are available to detect loose vertices, points on a line, crosses and surface inconsistencies. It can also repair mistakes or mark the errors.
Triangulation can be created from points, break lines or contours, with length and angle controls as well as removing of flat triangles.
Surfaces can have multiple boundaries or islands, and they can be drawn as lines, 3D faces or polyfaces. The result can be displayed in a CAD-independent surface viewer.
There are many commands for surface editing, such as insert, delete or invert triangulation lines, remove points or insert new points.
The software includes conversion of most common surface file formats.
Also it’s possible to convert terrain point clouds in LIDAR format to mesh or surface.
Contour Lines
MDT can generate contour lines with a constant interval, or at special heights. They can automatically update when there are changes in triangulation.
Contours can be labeled in automatic or manual mode with customization of the style, size, layer etc. Another command allows to place additional height labels at desired location.
There are also other commands to add vertices, edit contours, discretize polylines and splines, etc.
Grids can be created from a surface, contours, 3D entities or grid files in several known formats. They can be represented through 3D faces or polyface grid, which are suitable to export to rendering and animation programs.
There are commands to join, filter and re-sample grids in order to assign orthophotos as a texture on the terrain.
Horizontal Alignments
Horizontal alignments that will be used in profiles and cross-sections can be defined by polylines, parameters or importing files.
MDT includes tools for dimensioning alignments, editing vertices or creating coordinates reports, calculating intersection or distances between alignments.
Profiles and cross-sections can be computed from triangulation, CAD 3D entities or points near the alignment.
Quick profile command asks user for a line over the surface and then shows quickly the profile.
Profiles can be modified in a powerful CAD-independent editor.
Drawing is completely customizable: model or paper space, sheet templates, text style and sizes, numerical data and labels, custom blocks…
Other interesting command draws several cross-sections in different layers to show the terrain’s different phases of development.
There are also tools for projecting points or 3D polylines onto profiles, real-time visualization of cross-section profiles based on cursor position on plan view.
Volumes can be computed from grid, surface or cross-sections comparisons.
The results from grids or surfaces can be represented as a mesh with color-coded gradients in cut and fill areas and customizable legend.
The calculation from cross-sections allows users to apply curvature correction depending on project’s horizontal alignment, and remove profile intervals that don't form part of the volume measurement.
Maps - Rendering
MDT can draw a three-dimensional grid from a surface or contour lines. Also it can generate thematic maps and draw the slope, aspect or height of a surface, or a visibility map from a point.
There are commands to add geo reference images and insert orthophotos at their position, and assign them to a whole surface as a texture or assign textures from the supplied library to a set of triangles. Another library of 3D objects can be used to enhance presentations.
MDT includes a powerful terrain viewer that shows the surface with the textures and 3D objects, with customizable sky and background appearance. It also has options for measuring 3D distances, simulate flood or generating a video tour from a polyline.
MDT provides access to Web Map Services such as those offered by public authorities. The user only needs to specify a window on a screen using projected coordinates, choose the service and then the program will automatically insert an image at the appropriate place.
Another utility allows users to export points, surface and drawing layers to Google Earth.
MDT has many additional tools such as number objects, drawing of coordinates, division into sheets, slope lines, coordinate grids, layer control and object elevation.
Plot menu includes options to divide plots in specific areas by moving a line parallel or perpendicular to a side, vertex and rotation and other methods. It also dimensions the area of plots and generate detailed reports.
Points management including import/export of many formats
Digital Terrain Modeling creation and editing
Contour generation
Cross sections
Volume calculations
Height and slope maps
Terrain viewer
Utilities for parcels